Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Game Development Blog: Updates... and Fallout 4

We all have our passions, and as a solo game developer you can safely assume one of mine is games.

There have been a few set backs in the last few weeks but things are coming along. Moving country, moving house again, and many catch ups to be had, development has been a little patchy...

With that said, it's getting a lot closer to the finished product now and there have been a lot of behind the scenes tweaks to allow for some gameplay tweaks. What was originally a run and jump only game now has an 'attack', and much thought had to go into making it feel right to me, and genuinely adding to the experience of the game... It's still being tested, and I'm still unsure if I will leave it in.

Another set of back and foreground assets heading into the game. Varying up the game world.
Otherwise the game ALMOST saves and loads, achievements are coming along, and character development is fleshed out. Also, many more assets put in the game, including ENEMIES!

Now, after several years of waiting Fallout 4 is finally here. So I'm probably not going to be very productive, or even leave my room for the next few days... To every other Fallout 4 fan, enjoy the game! I'll see you all on the other side...

Back in... TBA

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